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The end... of the beginning

This chapter summarized the contents of the book.

This is the end of the manuscript, but hopefully the beginning of your adventures on the Web.

This book has tried to explain the concepts behind the World Wide Web starting with the client/server model of computing and ending with principles of good information systems design. In between were descriptions and reviews of software applications, HTML techniques, CGI scripting, and hopefully more than a few good examples.

This book was not intended to be the end-all of Macintosh-based World Wide Web books. In fact, this book was intended to be just the opposite; this book is a starter kit, a tool helping you get familiar with the technology.

Now that you have become familiar with the workings of an HTTP server, you are encouraged to follow up on the things that peak your interest. Browse the list of readings in the bibliography or collection of Macintosh-related Internet resources, read some of the Usenet newsgroups specifically geared to the World Wide Web including:

Consider joining one or two electronic mailing lists and/or newsgroups dealing with your subject matter. There are bound to be at least a few and they are bound to be talking about the World Wide Web to some degree.

Remember that the World Wide Web is essentially about communication, and you are using a new technology to accomplish ongoing, eternal goals; you are "teaching a new dog old tricks." You as well as thousands (and soon to be millions) of people are using this technology to share their ideas, messages, and products with whom ever will "listen." While you are not encouraged to bring up a Web server just because everybody else is, you are encouraged to explore the use of this technology and see whether or not it can be applied to your particular milieu.

Lastly, remember the concepts of readability, browsability, and searchability. They are the keys to providing an information service people will come back to again and again.

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Eric last edited this page on September 26, 1995. Please feel free to send comments.